Hello Mama! You are welcome here!

     You are mom to one or more precious kiddos and you take that responsibility seriously. It’s the most beautiful, challenging, exhausting honor there is and you want to fulfill that calling well.

     So many things influence our mothering—our walk with the Lord, our relationship with our husbands, how we take care of our homes and work, and of course the daily teaching and nurturing of our little ones. But keeping up with all that feels intimidating. 


     Mothering can be a lonely and confusing job. There’s not a step by step formula or a clear, guaranteed path to success. We wonder if what we’re doing really matters in the long run. Are we messing up and will our children survive our shortcomings? It’s easy to start the day feeling overwhelmed and ending it convinced we don’t have what it takes. I know because I’ve been there. 

     But here’s the good news: It’s possible to move forward with vision and confidence. We have a faithful Father Who guides us and other moms a little further along to support and encourage us. 

     That’s what you’ll find at Mothering Well—Biblical wisdom and practical tips as well as inspiration for the journey. Plenty of support and encouragement. And always the reminder to rely on Jesus as we embrace the high calling of investing in the next generation. We’ll never be perfect, but we can press on with hope and grace as we parent by faith. 

Together, we can mother well.

Hi, I’m Laura. Thirty-two years ago, I married Brad, my college sweetheart and it has been one wild ride. God blessed us with twelve children (and contrary to popular opinion, they are NOT cheaper by the dozen). We have six boys and six girls ages 29-9 including one set of identical twins, one adopted daughter from China, and one child who joined our family as a frozen embryo.

We’ve home schooled our children from the beginning and gained an education along with them. Currently five of our children are married and five still live at home.

Brad sells toilet paper to support this crazy family and enjoys speculating on the number of grandchildren and great grandchildren we will enjoy someday. We have six rockstar grandsons so far.